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Align your life to making an impact

March 07, 20245 min read

Align your life to making an impact

Follow your intuition and trust that it will take you to places that you never knew were possible for you.

Make an impact by aligning your life to what you desire

Create an impact. Be impactful. Act with purpose and intent. Set your mind to something and stay the course. All of these are simple statements that essentially mean the same in terms of outcome; a decision that you make to not only change your life, but also the lives of others, in whatever way you decide.

Despite how simple these terms are, it doesn’t mean that making the decision, taking the action, nor staying the course is easy by any means. Each of these steps can result in overwhelm, making you feel like the world is going to swallow you up whole. It can also make you question your abilities, make you fear what others might think of your silly decision, make you doubt just how amazing you are and the impact that deep down you know that you are capable of.

This is a process that we all go through at some point in our lives, some unfortunately more than others, but it’s pushing past your egos desire to keep you safe that will see you shine in a whole new light.

It will see you embark on a new untraveled journey that will bring you new riches, not always necessarily in a monetary sense, but from learning and experiencing new things, connecting with new people, doing things that you never thought were possible for you.

If you can push past those fears and make the decision to move forward with a new opportunity, a new idea, or a new path that you wish to take, the world can be your oyster.

Some people make the decision to do this through setting a vision for their future, and goals to support bringing their vision to life, others simply make the decision and go for it taking the risks and understanding that it might not go as expected but at least they’ve given it a shot. Others, may see signs, repetitive messages from the universe (a little more woo woo as they say), that prompt them to take the leap, trusting that the universe has their back.

No matter who or what is the reason for making the decision and taking the leap, the decision has to come from within. You have to decide what you want your future to look like, and that isn’t necessarily knowing the details of what your ‘perfect’ future would look like, but it is about understanding the bones of what it is that you want, knowing the first step that you need to take, and trusting that the rest will unfold as you move throughout your journey.

Create alignment through effective decision making

Here are 5 steps to help you create alignment in your life so that you can make impactful and effective decisions:

  • Identify what is important to you; Take time to reflect and do inner work on what makes you happy, what you value in your life, and what you definitely don’t want in your life.

  • Envision the future; Take a pen and paper and draw out what you believe your life could look like within the next 12 months if you decided to take impactful action. Segment this into buckets/areas if you find it easier e.g., health and wellbeing, family and relationships, wealth, career etc.

  • Determine your priorities; Once you know what is important to you, what you value, and where you want to be heading, define what your priorities are and how those priorities lead you to where you want to be.

  • Break it down; Reduce the risk of overwhelm by breaking down your 12 month vision and priorities into month blocks. Doing this will enable you to focus on the next 30 days rather than the full 12 months, and will give you key actions steps that you need to work on to deliver your months focus point(s).

  • Let your intuition do its thing; Yes, you have the structure and the vision for the next 12 months but at the same time, the universe doesn’t always deliver things as we expect. Follow your intuition, go with your gut, and say yes to new opportunities that you feel are right for you, even if they don’t necessarily at first seem like they are taking you to where you want to be. Afterall, you never know where your journey might take you, who you might meet, and what you might learn.

Let your intuition lead the way

Kelly's' Personal Experience - Using Your Own Intuition

In late 2022 Kelly embarked on a 14 month journey which led her to put the business on the back-burner for 12 months and enter the world of golf, something that she knew nothing about. This was her intuition taking her on a journey which has since led to places that she had never imagined and has made herself and the business even stronger and more purposeful.

We will be sharing more insights and experiences with you in the coming weeks about how Kelly completely transformed not just the business, but the whole trajectory of her life by following her own intuition on what we call 'Kelly's experimental journey'.

Use tools to support you on your journey

Uncover and discover more about you

Everyone is different and we all find our own unique ways to tune in with ourselves and understand what is going off internally. Sometimes however, it's good to have a helping hand, someone to help guide you on your way, and to direct you to tools and resources that can help you to do this more effectively, and with ease. This is exactly what we are here to help you with.

Grab a copy of our Who am I? Worksheet and take 5-10 minutes to check in with yourself and increase your self-awareness so that you can see opportunities more clearly on your success journey.

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Kelly Brammer

Business and Leadership Consultant | Coach | Mentor On a mission to help people step into their own power and create an impact.

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