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The Power Of You

March 11, 20245 min read

Never underestimate just how powerful you are

You may often forget it, you may doubt it from time to time, but it’s important to keep reminding yourself that you are a powerful and inspiration human-being who has the ability to make a huge impact in your lives, and in the lives of others.

You know yourself that when the going’s got tough, you’ve knuckled down and you’ve come out the other side stronger than ever. Being able to do this though requires you to keep working on your mindset, and remembering that what got you through last time will again come to the party if you take the step forward to push through the challenge(s) that you face.

Mindset work is the key to unlocking all of that power that sits deep within you.

Mindset work not only helps you to push away your fears, to have confidence and to believe in yourself, it helps you to look at things from alternative perspectives which you may have not seen before. It can also make you feel lighter and more positive about life in general.

Gentle reminder for you…

👉You are powerful
👉You are capable of achieving whatever it is that you want in life
👉You are on your own unique success journey
👉You are worthy of success, wealth, a great life and rewarding relationships

Yes, that’s right! You can absolutely be the version of you that you want to be. You can build things, you can create things, you can do whatever it is that your heart desires but it will take perseverance and commitment from you to stay the course and keep pushing through when the going gets a little bit tough.

If you find that there are people around you who don’t believe in you, who don’t believe that you have what it takes to achieve your goals and dreams, ignore them as best you can and focus in on what it is that you want and where you are going. 

Those that cast judgment, that tell you that you can’t do something are limited by their own fears, doubts, and worries and are unknowingly trying to pass these on to you. 

Never underestimate the power of you

In the majority of instances these people don’t even know that they are doing it. They themselves have not been on the journey to enlightenment in terms of creating awareness of their own skills and experience, and figuring out what it is that they actually want out of life, as opposed to following the path that has been set for them, or just coasting by and not fulfilling their own full potential.

As such, instead of thinking about the thoughts and feelings that they are pushing your way, focus on and invest in your own mindset. Your investment will reap rewards today, tomorrow, and going forward if you are consistent.

Life isn’t always going to be easy

We all have our challenges, our personal thoughts and feelings, the days when nothing goes your way, and things that come and go which are external to you that you have no control over, but which can impact you in a big way. 

It’s easy to paint a rosy picture when speaking to others about your journey, for fear of sharing what is actually happening in your life and receiving the judgment of others. 

Likewise, it’s so easy to look through rose tinted glasses when you see something that you believe that you need. You may push aside the red flags that you keep seeing, dismiss the gut feeling that you have where you know something isn’t 100% right, and maybe even crush the opinions of others when they try to warn you that you might be on the wrong path. 

It’s a hard path to navigate, after all, how do you know when somebody is telling you something because of their own limited beliefs, or because they can actually see you traversing a path that will impact you in a negative way because there are so many red flags that you just aren’t seeing, or other factors that are in play?!

It’s hard, it really is! 

There is not single correct answer unfortunately. The best advise that I can give is to take time to think about what you want in the here and now, and in the future. To reconnect with yourself and your needs and wants. To determine your non-negotiables, the things that you will definitely will or won’t accept in your life. To surround yourself with people that lift you up and not bring you down. 

There are going to be times where you make a decision and find that it was the wrong decision for you however, on the other side of that, there are going to be decisions that you make which completely transform your life. This is ebb and flow of life. 

This however, is your life and you living it RIGHT NOW! So dig deep, focus in on what you want and go for it! You have everything inside of you right now, so go all in and make amazing things happen. You’ve got this!

Uncover more about you

We all find our own unique ways to tune in understand what is going off internally with us however, sometimes it can help if someone can point you in the right direction. Someone who can direct you to tools and resources that can help you to do this.. This is exactly what we are here to help you with.

Grab a copy of our Who am I? Worksheet and check in with yourself so that you can increase your self-awareness and potentially see opportunities more clearly on your success journey.

Discover what is going on internally with you
MindsetConfidenceEmpowermentSelf Belief
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Kelly Brammer

Business and Leadership Consultant | Coach | Mentor On a mission to help people step into their own power and create an impact.

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